阿省发布了全新更名后的省提名项目AAIP- Alberta Advantage Immigration Program,我们今天重点介绍AOS- 机会类移民项目
- 本地持毕业工签但暂无合适移民通道的工作人士;
- 中国累积有2年以上全职工作经验的专业人士;
AOS 省提名涵盖了从NOC 0 到 NOC D 的不同工种和行业。
Alberta Opportunity Stream
- 申请人需要目前在阿省,正全职工作且拥有一个符合条件的全职 job offer;
- 目前持有效的LMIA工签,或
- 持符合条件的免LMIA工签(如international trade agreements/intra-company transferee等),或
- 阿省院校毕业后取得的毕业工签(PGWP)
工作职位的NOC等级 | 所需要的最低语言成绩(CLB) |
NOC 0/A/B 类 | CLB 5 (雅思:听5/读4/说5/写5) |
NOC C/D 类 | CLB 4(雅思:听4.5/读3.5/说4/写4) |
注意:NOC 3413 – 护士助理、勤务员和病人服务助理的工作,需要语言能力达到CLB 7 (雅思 4个6)
- 工作经验需要和AB省雇主提供的工作机会相匹配,同时
- 过去的18个月中至少拥有12个月的阿省全职经验;或
- 过去30个月里至少拥有24个月的全职工作经验(划重点!加拿大境内或加拿大以外均可!)
- 如果您是本地的毕业工签(PGWP)持有者,需满足过去18个月中拥有至少6个月的合格全职工作经验
和其他省份不同的是,AB省一直都有划定禁止申请的职业列表的传统,如果工作职位和AB省雇主的job offer是下列工作岗位的NOC,将不能够申请AOS项目
NOC Code (2016年版本) | NOC 技能等级 | Ineligible Occupation 不符合条件的职位 |
0011 | 0 | Legislators |
0422 | 0 | School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education |
0423 | 0 | Managers in social, community and correctional services |
0432 | 0 | Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers |
0651* | 0 | Escort agency managers, massage parlour managers |
4031 | A | Secondary school teachers |
4032 | A | Elementary school and kindergarten teachers |
4154 | A | Professional occupations in religion |
5121 | A | Authors and writers |
5133 | A | Musicians and singers |
5135 | A | Actors and comedians |
5136 | A | Painters, sculptors and other visual artists |
1227 | B | Court officers and justices of the peace |
3223* | B | Dental laboratory assistants/bench workers |
4214* | B | Early childhood educators (如果有Alberta Children’s Services的从业证书(L1或L2则符合条件) |
4216 | B | Other instructors |
4217 | B | Other religious occupations |
5232 | B | Other performers, not elsewhere classified |
5244 | B | Artisans and craftspersons |
5251 | B | Athletes |
6232 | B | Real estate agents and salespersons |
4411 | C | Home child care providers |
4412 | C | Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations |
4413 | C | Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants |
6533 | C | Casino occupations |
6564 | C | Other personal service occupations |
7513 | C | Taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeurs |
8442 | C | Trappers and hunters |
6623 | D | Other sales related occupations |
6722 | D | Operators and attendants in amusement, recreation and sport |
6742 | D | Other service support occupations, not elsewhere classified |
8611 | D | Harvesting labourers |
8612 | D | Landscaping and grounds maintenance labourers |
8613 | D | Aquaculture and marine harvest labourers |
8614 | D | Mine labourers |