最近几周内,我们代理雇主提交的Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)申请陆续收到了Service Canada (ESDC) 发来的疫情期间审批标准变更的通知,这里和大家分享一下通知邮件里提到的几点重要变更。
“如果因为COVID-·19 疫情,以及各个省份的复工限制而导致外籍员工 (Foreign Worker) 目前无法履行LMIA职位的大部分工作职责,申请会直接被拒。即使雇主所在省份预计、可能会有放宽/开放/Re-Opening的政策,ESDC在审批时也不会考虑进去。”
If the foreign worker that you intend to hire is currently not able to perform a majority of the duties described in your LMIA application as a result of these restrictions, your application will be refused. Consideration will not be given to the anticipated easing of restrictions that may occur by the expected start date of employment
ESDC – Temporary Foreign Worker Program
we will not consider any recruitment that you conducted prior to March 15, 2020. Prior to issuing a decision on your application, you will be required to re-advertise for two consecutive weeks any job advertisements that were posted entirely prior to March 15, 2020.
ESDC – Temporary Foreign Worker Program
“2020年5月1日,ESDC Job Bank网站更新了加拿大各省不同工作职位的中等工资额,因此雇主可能会被要求和Foreign Worker重新签工资更高的劳工合同以达到LMIA项目要求。”
… the median wage rates for occupations in Canada, as posted on the Government of Canada’s Job Bank, have been updated as of May 1, 2020. As a result, you may be required to increase the wage offer to your prospective foreign worker(s) to meet the updated amount.
ESDC – Temporary Foreign Worker Program
以上3点就是ESDC的通知里的主要审批标准变更,同时在邮件里ESDC也给雇主提供了主动撤销LMIA申请的选项。举例说: A 雇主想要招聘的Foreign Worker目前人已经在加拿大,但是因为市政府限制而公司无法正常营业,这时A就可以主动撤销LMIA申请,等疫情之后再重新递交。
LMIA对于很多境外的工作人员来说是必须的文件,同时许多技术移民也需要LMIA Job Offer提升自己在快速通道里的分数。因此,在等LMIA审批或在准备LMIA申请的同学,可以仔细对比自己的申请,做好充分的规划和准备。
东云 (Doyen Immigration)是集留学生创业,签证,移民服务为一体的专业加拿大服务机构。公司位于加拿大最大城市安大略省的多伦多。团队全员皆持有加拿大移民顾问管理协会(ICCRC)颁发的移民顾问证书,我们熟悉加拿大移民政策法规,实时跟踪加拿大移民动态,对加拿大各类移民项目把握精准并拥有众多案例。为申请人提供专业的移民咨询服务我们的宗旨。