【持续更新… 更新于2022年04月21日】
OINP Human Capital Priorities 省提名项目,AKA 安省人才优选,安省人力资源技能优先,安省优才计划等。OINP HCP是一个基于 EE 快速通道的省提名项目。翻译的名字怎么样都没关系,关于这个项目大家重点需要知道的是:
- 安省会不定期在EE档案系统内发出HCP邀请;
- 目前每次邀请会有定向的NOC,明确的EE-CRS分数区间;
- 不要求必须有雇主担保(即本地符合条件的job offer),完全凭借工作经验办理移民;
- 拿到省提名支持信可以给EE档案+600分
安省人才优选省提名项目介绍 – OINP Human Capital Priorities
OINP HCP 定向邀请 NOC 分布数据汇总
因为咨询的时候,讨论到OINP HCP总会有申请人问到:“那我的这个工作经历,会有可能被这个OINP HCP邀请到吗?”我们为了更科学的解答这个问题,所以这个文章会持续更新维护,为大家提供过往已公布的OINP HCP 定向邀请历史记录和各个NOC的频率的汇总。方便大家参考,分析,自行决定。
NOC# | Occupation Title 工作职称 | Frequency 邀请频率 | Most Recent NOI 最近一次邀请 |
0124 | Advertising, marketing and public relations managers – 广告/市场/PR经理 | 13 | 22-Feb-22 |
1122 | Professional occupations in business management consulting – 商业咨询行业相关专业人士 | 13 | 22-Feb-22 |
3012 | Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses – 注册护士/精神科护士 | 13 | 22-Feb-22 |
0601 | Corporate sales managers | 12 | 22-Feb-22 |
1111 | Financial auditors and accountants | 9 | 02-Mar-21 |
0114 | Financial auditors and accountants | 8 | 22-Feb-22 |
0122 | Banking, credit and other investment managers | 7 | 22-Feb-22 |
0125 | Other business services managers | 7 | 22-Feb-22 |
1121 | Human resources professionals | 7 | 22-Feb-22 |
0111 | Financial managers | 6 | 12-Nov-20 |
1114 | Other financial officers | 6 | 12-Nov-20 |
0211 | Engineering managers | 4 | 22-Feb-22 |
0311 | Managers in health care | 4 | 22-Feb-22 |
0631 | Restaurant and food service managers | 4 | 22-Feb-22 |
0711 | Construction managers | 4 | 22-Feb-22 |
0731 | Managers in transportation | 4 | 22-Feb-22 |
0911 | Manufacturing managers | 4 | 22-Feb-22 |
2161 | Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries | 4 | 22-Feb-22 |
3211 | Medical laboratory technologists | 4 | 22-Feb-22 |
3231 | Opticians | 4 | 22-Feb-22 |
3233 | Licensed practical nurses | 4 | 22-Feb-22 |
0621 | Retail and wholesale trade managers | 3 | 12-Nov-20 |
0651 | Managers in customer and personal services, n.e.c. | 3 | 12-Nov-20 |
1112 | Financial and investment analysts | 3 | 02-Mar-21 |
3124 | Allied primary health practitioners | 3 | 12-Nov-20 |
4163 | Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants | 3 | 02-Mar-21 |
数据源于OINP Update 页面 更新日期2022年04月21日
该颜色指该NOC 已经超过1年未被邀请!!!!
OINP HCP 定向邀请 NOC 频次图

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